Project Team

The Institut Pasteur eTraining Portal is developed and run by the Institut Pasteur/HSeT team in collaboration with Contributors and Trainers of the Institut Pasteur network.

Institut Pasteur

FabienneCourmarcelInstitut PasteurFrance
SylvieMalotInstitut PasteurFrance
ArmellePhaliponMolecular Microbial Pathogenesis Unit, Institut Pasteur, ParisFrance
FrédéricTangyInstitut PasteurFrance

HSeT team

PascaleAnderleHealth Sciences eTraining (HSeT) FoundationSwitzerland
NathalieDebardHealth Sciences eTraining (HSeT) FoundationSwitzerland
Jean-PierreKraehenbuhlHealth Sciences eTraining (HSeT) FoundationSwitzerland
AlainMeystreHealth Sciences eTraining (HSeT) FoundationSwitzerland
BernardRossierUniversity of LausanneSwitzerland

Former HSeT Team members

MarcBreitlerHSeT FoundationSwitzerland
YanCorneille France
GuilhermeMarsonUniversity of Sao PaoloBrazil

Last update: Sunday, January 31, 2016
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